Webfleet (Tomtom)
- Go to live-wf.webfleet.com/web/index.html
- Log in to your account
- Click on user icon
- Click “New user”
- Fill in “Name”, “Username”, “E-mail” i “Company”
In the “Name” field, enter your company’s VAT number and in the “Username”’ field, enter company name!
- In “Active Time Period” wybierz “Unlimited”
- In “Profile” section select “Standard”
- In “Interfaces” section select “WEBFLEET.connect”
- Click “Okay”
If you want to share all vehicles go to step 15!
- In “Vehicle access” for “All vehicles” select “No access”
- Select “Add extended right”
- Click “Select vehicles” and select vehicles, that you want to share
- Select “Full access”
- Click “Add”
- Click “Save”
- CO3 will receive e-mail with a request to set a password
- Send an e-mail to carrier@co3.eu to inform that you have created an account